Thymic Carcinoma Center

Patient Assistance

Travel Assistance Policy

As the first rollout of Thymic Carcinoma Centers (TCC) patient services, we will be offering a Travel Assistance program for qualified patients in the
United States through our Patient Assistance Program (PAP). This is only for patients that can provide documentation that they have been diagnosed with Thymic Carcinoma and have a need for travel assistance within defined criteria.

Travel Assistance Application

Please fill out the Thymic Carcinoma Center Travel Fund Request form, sign, date, and either fax, mail or email the form to;

[email protected]

Travel Assistance Application

Healthcare Advisor

Thymic Carcinoma Center has partnered with a Healthcare Advisor that provides consulting services for our members to assist with medical claims resolution, insurance evaluation, and clarification, as well as options for saving money on premiums and discovering financial mistakes to save clients money.

Shortly after filling out this form you will receive an email from Healthcare Advisors with further information on the services and be automatically added to the email list.

Family Support

When you or a family member are diagnosed with thymic carcinoma, the effects of the diagnosis are felt by all those close to you. Hearing “cancer” is enough to send anyone into a frenzy, and those close to us also feel the stress, sadness and grief. The impending loss of a loved one can at times be harder to process than hearing about your own, and at the Thymic Carcinoma Center we aim to support not just those experiencing the diagnosis themselves – but all those around you.

Asking Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about anything and everything that you and your family members may experience throughout your treatment.

It is important to remember that anything that will impact how you feel physically and emotionally is worth exploring fully. It helps to be prepared for the journey that lies ahead. You are able to navigate anything as long as you know the plan and the next steps to getting the right treatment and support from your healthcare providers.

For an extensive list of questions refer to our Patient Support page.

You can navigate anything as long as you know the plan and what are the next steps to getting the right treatment and support from your healthcare providers!

Managing Anxiety and Fear

The cancer journey affects all members of the family, especially in the early stages after diagnoses where there are so many unknowns. It is critical to be paying as much attention to your mental health during this time as your physical health. It is important to find a way to manage anxiety, fear and uncertainties for each member of the patient’s support system. There are many things that you can do everyday to help alleviate your distress, take some time to yourself and find ways to keep your mind off of the everyday stresses of your diagnosis and the unknown.

At Thymic Carcinoma Center we encourage your to try a little of everything, explore and see what helps you and your family the most – that may be something you do as a group or each of you may have your own way of coping.

Some of the best ways to manage anxiety are through activities:

Family Support Groups and Information Sites

Thymic Carcinoma Facebook Group

Our Thymic Carcinoma Facebook group is a closed group for people and families to share and provide each other support throughout their journey

Cancer Support Community

Find information on living with cancer, whether you are newly diagnosed, a survivor, or a family member or friend of someone who is living with cancer.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

This website offers free, credible, and comprehensive information about cancer prevention and screening, diagnosis and treatment, research across the cancer spectrum, clinical trials, and news and links to other NCI websites.

Cancer Currents: An NCI Cancer Research Blog

Some NCI divisions, offices, and centers use blogs to provide research and program updates. If you’re searching for more information and support services, this can also be a great place to look.


Donate to Thymic Carcinoma

Thymic Carcinoma Center is funded entirely by donations and grants from individuals, foundations, companies, and special events. Thank you for considering a gift to our foundation. Every donation helps! Your kind donation helps Thymic Carcinoma Center provides patient assistance, education, and medical research needed to help those with Thymic Carcinoma Cancer. Thank you from all of us!!

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